Tuesday, May 29, 2007


My first sample didn't work so well. Either I didn't mix the cross-linker in well enough with the dilulin/catalyst blend, or it phase-separated in the curing process. Today felt more productive than Friday, so I'm not entirely upset with my work, but I'm afraid my results are more the end-product of inexperience than chemical craziness. Round two tomorrow. I hope it goes better.

In other news, collecting thermal analysis lab quotes is going to be trickier than I thought. I emailed one lab earlier today and got a curt response along the lines of "idiot, you don't ask the competition what they charge!" I don't know how else to handle it, other than to play these people and make them believe I'm a prospective customer. :( I ought to send out my samples for testing just so I won't screw them up. Now there's a thought!

Reflection: today was more productive, but that last email makes me a little sad. Oh, and a photographer is coming in on Thursday. My 14 week stint gets me a place in the group photo (I think)! So much going on right now. *sigh*

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